Monday brought tension for several YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) MLAs as they received calls from the office of Chief Minister and party president Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy, summoning them to Tadepalli in the afternoon. Among the called were ex-minister Balineni Srinivas Reddy, Penamaluru MLA K Parthasarathy, Chintalapudi MLA V R Eliza, Chittoor MLA Arani Srinivasulu, and Deputy Chief Minister K Narayana Swamy, representing Gangadhara Nellore (SC) constituency.
Sources reveal that these MLAs are likely to be denied tickets for the upcoming assembly elections, as the party finalizes a third list of candidates, expected to be released in the next couple of days.
Some of the MLAs have sensed the likelihood of not getting tickets this time. Deputy Chief Minister Narayana Swamy expressed regret to the party president for giving preference to turncoats who shifted loyalties at the last moment, disregarding genuine party leaders and loyalists.
“We, the Scheduled Caste MLAs, have to touch the feet of the top leaders of the party, requesting for tickets. I, too, have touched the feet of Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy, apart from Jagan Mohan Reddy for the sake of a party ticket,” lamented Narayana Swamy.
He criticized the party leadership for being under the control of a few individuals calling the shots in ticket distribution, warning that such actions could cause tremendous harm to Jagan’s image.
Narayana Swamy emphasized the need for the party to consider the characters and credibility of candidates rather than favoring turncoats from the TDP, suggesting a more prudent selection process.
The dissent among the party ranks indicates the challenges the YSRCP faces in balancing its internal dynamics and maintaining a positive public image. The party’s ticket distribution process has become a source of contention, prompting MLAs to express concerns about potential repercussions for Jagan’s leadership and the overall standing of the party.