Union Minister G. Kishan Reddy is set to inaugurate the extension of three trains in Andhra Pradesh, marking a significant development for rail connectivity in the region. The Visakhapatnam-Vijayawada Uday Express will now extend up to Guntur, providing enhanced travel options. Additionally, the Vijayawada–Hubballi Amravati Express will extend its route up to Narsapur, offering increased accessibility. The Nandyal–Kadapa Express special will now run up to Renigunta, serving the extended portion effectively. These extensions, scheduled to commence on February 13, aim to address the travel needs of the local population.
The Visakhapatnam–Guntur Uday Double-Decker Express, known for its AC and Non-AC reserved sitting accommodation, is a popular choice among passengers. The Narsapur – Hubbali Express is designed to cater to both AC and non-AC classes, along with an unreserved segment for the second general class. This train offers a convenient night journey option, eliminating the inconvenience of changing trains at Vijayawada. The Nandyal – Renigunta Passenger, equipped with all unreserved coaches, ensures a direct passenger train facility for those traveling to Tirumala.
The decision to extend these train services comes as part of South Central Railway’s efforts to provide additional travel facilities and better cater to the diverse travel needs of the people in the extended portions. The move is expected to enhance connectivity, streamline travel options, and improve overall rail transportation efficiency in Andhra Pradesh.