Lagadapati Rajagopal, the industrialist-turned-former Lok Sabha member, has emphatically stated that he has no intentions of reentering active politics in Andhra Pradesh. Despite recent media speculation suggesting a potential return, with rumors of him contesting from Vijayawada or Guntur Lok Sabha constituency on a Telugu Desam Party (TDP) ticket and alleged discussions with TDP president N Chandrababu Naidu, Lagadapati remains resolute in his disinterest.
Media reports heightened anticipation after closed-door meetings between Lagadapati, former Rajahmundry MP Vundavalli Arun Kumar, and former Amalapuram MP G V Harsha Kumar. However, Lagadapati clarified that these meetings were simply a matter of courtesy during his journey to Kakinada, where he attended a family function.
Having distanced himself from active politics while opposing the Congress party’s decision to bifurcate Andhra Pradesh, Lagadapati underscored his commitment to staying out of electoral politics. His departure from the Congress, the party that gave him political birth, was rooted in differences over the state’s division.
Despite his political hiatus, Lagadapati expressed a willingness to support Vundavalli Arun Kumar and Harsha Kumar if they decide to contest elections. “I shall campaign for them in the elections,” he affirmed.
Reflecting on the political landscape in Andhra Pradesh, Lagadapati pointed out a competition between regional and national parties. He emphasized that the current political struggle revolves around two regional parties, making national parties irrelevant in the state. Notably, he acknowledged the Congress’s success in Telangana, considering it a positive signal for democracy.
In summary, Lagadapati Rajagopal remains a political observer, unwavering in his decision to refrain from active politics in Andhra Pradesh. The recent meetings and speculations do not alter his stance, as he continues to prioritize a non-political role while expressing support for specific candidates in the upcoming elections.