Nara Lokesh, the national general secretary of the Telugu Desam Party (TDP), took to ‘X’ (previously Twitter) on January 4 to highlight a concerning trend within the YSR Congress Party (YSRCP). Lokesh pointed out that the refusal of 85 MLAs to contest in the upcoming 2024 elections from their own constituencies reflects a palpable fear of defeat within the ruling party.
According to Lokesh, the YSRCP is not oblivious to the rising public discontent, and this fear of electoral backlash is becoming increasingly evident among its MLAs and MPs. The TDP leader boldly predicted that the YSRCP is teetering on the edge of decline after the upcoming general elections.
Till now, ~ 35 sitting MLAs have REFUSED to contest from their own seat; this reflects a FEAR of imminent DEFEAT and lack of confidence among the rank and file of the YSRCP. Besides these 35, we hear that 50 more YSRCP…
— Lokesh Nara (@naralokesh) January 4, 2024
Lokesh disclosed that 35 MLAs have already opted not to contest again, and there are reports suggesting that an additional 50 MLAs are hesitant to face the elections as ruling party candidates in their respective constituencies. This lack of enthusiasm from their own representatives poses a significant challenge for the YSRCP as it prepares for the impending electoral battle.
The apparent reluctance of YSRCP legislators to stand for re-election underscores the tough road ahead for the ruling party, raising questions about its ability to retain support and secure victories in the upcoming polls. As political dynamics continue to evolve, the YSRCP faces a critical test, with Nara Lokesh and the TDP closely observing and commenting on the unfolding scenario.