The inevitable turn of events has unfolded within the Telugu Desam Party (TDP), leading to the near expulsion of veteran candidate Kesineni Nani. Known for his contentious statements against both the party’s high command and fellow members like Buddha Venkanna, Nani faced a significant setback in his political journey.
Taking to Facebook, Kesineni Nani revealed that TDP supremo Chandra Babu Naidu had directed him to distance himself from party activities. Nani confirmed that emissaries, including ex-minister Alapati Raja, TDP NTR district president Nettem Raghuram, and TDP Krishna district president Konikalla Narayana, were appointed by Babu to convey the message, instructing him to stay away from TDP engagements.
Further elaborating on the situation, Nani disclosed that Babu specifically instructed him not to participate in the grand-scale TDP public meeting planned in Tirupur. Stripped of his role as the in-charge for the Tirupur meeting, Nani witnessed someone else taking up the responsibility.
The most impactful revelation made by Nani was Chandra Babu’s expressed intent to nominate a different candidate for the Vijayawada MP ticket. In a surprising turn of events, Nani found himself excluded from Chandra Babu’s electoral plans, marking an end to his association with TDP. The party is now set to field an alternative candidate for the Vijayawada MP segment, sidelining Nani, who had previously served as the TDP MP for the constituency for a decade.
This significant development underscores a clear departure from the political trajectory Nani had experienced over the years, especially considering his longstanding association with the TDP and his ten-year tenure as the Vijayawada MP. The 2024 elections will see a different TDP candidate vying for the Vijayawada MP seat, as Nani steps away from the political forefront under the TDP banner.