Minister Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy has injected a new level of anticipation into Andhra Pradesh’s political landscape by boldly predicting the potential defeat of actor and MLA Nandamuri Balakrishna in the upcoming Hindupur Assembly constituency elections. During his recent visit to Anantapur district, Peddireddy openly criticized Balakrishna, asserting that despite winning as MLA twice, the actor has failed to bring about significant development in the region.
Peddireddy emphasized the success of Chief Minister Jagan’s governance, highlighting the widespread satisfaction among the public with implementing impactful welfare schemes. The minister expressed confidence in the YSRCP’s ability to overcome initial hurdles in ticket allocation, drawing a sharp contrast with what he perceived as a lack of clarity in candidate selection by rival parties, TDP and Jana Sena.
In a strategic move aimed at promoting gender diversity in political representation, Peddireddy disclosed the YSRCP’s plan to field two female candidates in Hindupur. Deepika, from the Kuruba community, is slated to contest against Balakrishna for the Assembly seat, while ex-Guntakal MP Shanta, representing the Boya (Valmiki) community, will be the YSRCP MP candidate for Hindupur Lok Sabha.
Anticipating broader political shifts, Peddireddy predicted not only Balakrishna’s potential defeat but also the downfall of Chandrababu Naidu in the Kuppam constituency. He attributed divisive strategies to Naidu, vowing that the people would discern and counter such alleged machinations by the opposition.
As these bold statements set the stage for intense electoral battles, the YSRCP’s strategic approach to candidate selection becomes a focal point in shaping the political narrative. Stay tuned for updates on this dynamic and evolving political scenario in Andhra Pradesh.