In 2018, the annual conclave of the Telugu Desam Party, known as Mahanadu, witnessed the emergence of a new leader in Andhra Pradesh, Nara Lokesh. The event featured massive cardboard cut-outs of Lokesh, who inherited his father’s political legacy, the popular Chief Minister N.T. Rama Rao.
At that time, Lokesh’s father, Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu, had stirred controversy by exiting the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance due to the central government’s reluctance to grant Special Category Status to Andhra Pradesh. Despite Naidu’s efforts to build a political front against the Modi government, the results were not as successful as anticipated.
As the 2019 Lok Sabha polls approached, Nara Lokesh, a state minister in Naidu’s government, struggled to step out of his father’s shadow. Speculations arose that senior party leaders perceived Lokesh’s rise as a potential threat, casting doubt on his political prospects. The subsequent defeat of Naidu and the TDP in the 2019 assembly polls, coupled with Lokesh’s loss in his maiden election, dampened the party’s hopes.
Fast forward five years, and Andhra Pradesh is witnessing a transformed Nara Lokesh. The once-reserved and uncertain leader has evolved into a dynamic and dedicated figure. Lokesh’s journey included a year-long padyatra called Yuvagalam, addressing concerns such as unemployment, law and order, and other youth-related issues in the absence of his father.
During the padyatra, Nara Lokesh conducted around 200 public meetings, receiving over 4,300 grievance petitions from the public. His speeches criticized the state government, emphasizing issues like over-centralization, democratic backsliding, alleged illegal activities, and a perceived decline in law and order.
Despite facing challenges from the YSR Congress government, led by Chief Minister Jagan Reddy, Lokesh’s padyatra marked a significant mass outreach. As the 2024 Lok Sabha polls approach, Lokesh remains optimistic about the TDP’s prospects. He emphasizes the party’s commitment to both welfare and development, differentiating itself from the YSR Congress’s approach, which Nara Lokesh criticizes for relying on debt-funded welfare initiatives.
Lokesh also addresses the issues faced by his party, such as stalled projects initiated by his father, attacks from the YSR Congress, and rumors of a potential alliance with the BJP. He remains confident in the TDP’s victory, highlighting the perceived anti-incumbency against the Jagan Reddy-led government.
Throughout the interview, Lokesh discusses the challenges faced by Andhra Pradesh, criticizes the current government’s policies, and reaffirms the TDP’s commitment to secularism and inclusive politics. Despite facing legal challenges, he asserts his active involvement in politics and highlights the party’s grassroots organization as a strength in the upcoming elections.