If social media speculations hold true, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy is considering fielding former MP Botsa Jhansi Lakshmi as the YSR Congress party candidate for the Visakhapatnam Lok Sabha constituency. Facing challenges in selecting a suitable candidate, Jagan Mohan Reddy is reportedly leaning towards Jhansi, the wife of senior minister Botsa Satyanarayana. Jhansi had previously represented the Vizianagaram Lok Sabha constituency.
The current representative of the Visakhapatnam parliamentary constituency, MVV Satyanarayana, is speculated to face challenges in the upcoming elections. In response to this, Satyanarayana has requested a move to the Visakhapatnam (East) assembly constituency and has been assigned the role of party coordinator for this constituency.
Botsa Satyanarayana has allegedly conveyed to Jagan Mohan Reddy that if his wife is given the party ticket for the Vizag Lok Sabha seat, he will ensure her victory at any cost. However, the final decision is pending, and Jagan Mohan Reddy may opt for a different candidate if deemed more suitable. Botsa Satyanarayana refrained from commenting on media speculations surrounding his wife’s potential candidature, stating, “I don’t have any information about this, so I cannot comment.” The political landscape in Visakhapatnam remains dynamic as decisions unfold.