The government of Chhattisgarh has declared January 22 as a ‘dry day’ in commemoration of the Ram Mandir inauguration in Ayodhya. Vishnu Deo Sai, the Chief Minister, has emphasized the state’s connection as the ancestral birthplace of Lord Ram’s grandparents, particularly Chandkhuri, which holds symbolic importance. The state is truly privileged to host the consecration of the Ram Mandir on this auspicious day.
A Festive Atmosphere Across the State:
The Chief Minister aptly compares the atmosphere in Chhattisgarh to the joyous festival of Diwali, celebrated throughout India. Similar to the mesmerizing display of lit lamps during Diwali, the entire state is expected to radiate with enthusiasm and fervor during the Ram Mandir inauguration. To honor this significant occasion, January 22 has been designated a ‘dry day’ state-wide, adding a sacred and respectful touch to the festivities.
Meticulous Preparations for the Consecration:
The preparations for the temple consecration have been carefully orchestrated to ensure a seamless and profoundly spiritual experience for all devotees. Vedic rituals, led by the esteemed Varanasi priest, Lakshmi Kant Dixit, are set to commence on January 16. As part of the preparations, a grand 1008 ‘Hundi Mahayagya’ will be performed, aiming to provide meals for the numerous devotees attending the ceremony.
In anticipation of the large influx of devotees, Ayodhya is making extensive arrangements to accommodate their needs. Tent cities are being erected by the Sri Ram Janambhoomi Trust to provide comfortable accommodation for approximately 10,000–15,000 individuals. Additionally, enhanced security measures have been implemented to ensure the safety and smooth conduct of the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony.
Displaying the Universal Significance of Lord Ram:
Parallel to the inauguration ceremony, the Uttar Pradesh government, led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, has organized more than 18 Ramleela performances worldwide, aiming to showcase the universal significance of Lord Ram. These performances seek to propagate the fundamental values and teachings of Lord Shri Ram, emphasizing his role as a symbol of unwavering faith that transcends all borders and cultures.
Various cultural and spiritual programs will also be held to further propagate the message of Lord Ram as a global symbol of devotion and unity. Through these initiatives, the government intends to foster harmony and promote greater understanding among individuals from diverse parts of the world.
The Enthronement of Ram Lalla:
On January 22, the Ram Mandir inauguration by the Sri Ram Janmabhoomi Tirath Kshetra Trust will witness the monumental event of the enthronement of Ram Lalla within the sanctum-sanctorum. The presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi further adds to the significance of this historic occasion. Ayodhya, being the birthplace of Lord Rama, holds immense spiritual, historical, and cultural importance for the people of India. The entire nation eagerly awaits this grand event with profound anticipation.
Lakshmi Kant Dixit, the entrusted Varanasi priest, will perform the primary rituals during the Ram Mandir inauguration. This auspicious event marks the grand celebration of the Amrit Mahautsav, a festival scheduled to take place in Ayodhya from January 14 to January 22.
The upcoming Ram Mandir inauguration in Ayodhya is an event of immense religious and historical significance for the people of India. It serves as a unifying celebration that brings millions of devotees together in their devotion to Lord Ram, promoting the universal values championed by his teachings. With meticulous preparations, heightened security measures, and vibrant cultural programs, this auspicious occasion promises to be a memorable and spiritually uplifting experience for all participants. Let us come together in celebration of the Ram Mandir inauguration and rejoice in the unity it symbolizes.