Latest News in India: Collector Deepak Yadav was suspended on 1st July, a clerk posted at Assistant Grade 3 in Mandsaur in case of a farmer rolling on the floor and pleading for his land-related complaint in the public hearing. The clerk was walking with the application for the public hearing when the farmer lay on the floor of the collector’s office, pleading.
Assistant Grade-3 Rajesh Vijayvargiya has been suspended on the very second by Collector Dilip Kumar Yadav. On July 16, when the applicant Shankarlal son of Phoolchand resident of Sakhtali Tehsil Sitamau moved to submit his land-related application to the meeting place, the public hearing.
This can be seen from the video of Assistant Grade-3 of Handloom Department Mandsaur, Rajesh Vijayvargiya, walking along looking at the applicant. Being a government servant, it was the duty of Vijayvargiya to not only stop the applicant from doing this but also to carry him and produce before collector. Vijayvargiya did not do so and pretended to be ignorant while looking at the farmer, showing his insensitivity and came and sat in the meeting hall without knowing the problem of the applicant.
Vijayvargiya, who has been suspended because of these allegations was present in the public hearing representing the department. Every servant of the government has to show sensitivity and humanity in such cases. Walking with the applicant and, rather, not making any effort to stop him shows his insensitivity, negligence, and apathy towards his responsibilities and duties as a government servant, due to which the image of administration has been tarnished. Rajesh has been suspended due to these allegations.
According to Collector Deepak Yadav, Rajesh Vijayvargiya, Assistant Grade-3, Handloom Department, Mandsaur, is hereby suspended with immediate effect under Section 09 (1) of the Madhya Pradesh Civil Services Conduct Rules (Classification Control and Appeal) 1966 due to negligence and indifference in the discharge of duties. During the period of his suspension, the headquarters of the officer shall be the office of District Panchayat Mandsaur. During the period of his suspension, Rajesh Vijayvargiya shall be entitled to subsistence allowance as admissible under the rules.