In a recent turn of events, Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has issued a directive to the Director General of Police (DGP) to allow Kumari Aunty, the popular food stall operator, to resume her business. The CM has further instructed the closure of any filed cases against her. This positive development comes as the CM himself plans to visit her stall soon.
Dasari Sai Kumari, affectionately known as Kumari Aunty, gained widespread social media fame for her bustling food stall located opposite a popular star hotel in Hyderabad. Despite initiating the business in 2011, her recent surge in popularity, with notable visits from film celebrities like Sundeep Kishen, led to a significant increase in sales.
However, today, Kumari Aunty faced adversity as traffic police compelled her to close the stall, citing traffic congestion. The police emphasized that the land on which she operates is not her own, suggesting they would have allowed her to continue if not for the traffic issues. The police also mentioned the option of seeking legal recourse through the court.
Lacking political backing and resources for legal battles, Kumari Aunty, a middle-class woman, finds herself with the sole option of relocating her business. Unfortunately, this move offers no guarantee of thriving in a new location.
Local residents allege that influential individuals, possibly associated with prominent hotels in the vicinity, orchestrated the action against her. Social media mentions linking the food stall’s location to brand names of nearby hotels have raised concerns about their image.
On the other hand, there are suspicions that envy and attempts to undermine her business success might be driving some individuals to displace her under the pretext of addressing traffic issues.
With CM Revanth Reddy’s intervention, there is hope for Kumari Aunty to resume her business, offering a glimmer of support against the challenges she currently faces.
Breaking: CM #RevanthReddy has directed the DGP to allow #KumariAunty to continue her business and has also instructed to close any filed cases
The good news is that the CM himself is going to visit the stall soon
— Daily Culture (@DailyCultureYT) January 31, 2024