Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy is set to embark on his inaugural foreign visit to attend the annual World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Switzerland, scheduled from January 15-18. This visit marks a significant diplomatic engagement for the Chief Minister, who assumed office just last month.
Accompanying him on this international sojourn is State Information Technology and Industries Minister D. Sridhar Babu. After the WEF meeting, the duo is slated to travel to London with the aim of attracting investments to the state.
Heading an eight-member delegation, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy’s team includes key officials such as V. Sheshadri (Principal Secretary to Chief Minister), Jayesh Ranjan (Principal Secretary, Information Technology), B. Ajith Reddy (Special Secretary to Chief Minister), and E. Vishnu Vardhan Reddy (Special Secretary, Investment Promotion and External Engagements).
During the WEF meeting, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy is anticipated to engage with the heads of various companies on the sidelines, extending invitations to invest in Telangana. This proactive approach aligns with the broader goal of promoting economic growth and development in the state.
Jayesh Ranjan, who brings valuable experience from accompanying the former Minister for Industries and Information Technology, K. T. Rama Rao, to WEF meetings, has briefed the Chief Minister’s Office about the meeting format and key attendees.
The WEF meeting annually convenes top decision-makers from government, business, and civil society to address global challenges and set priorities for the upcoming year. This year’s focus revolves around exploring opportunities presented by new technologies, understanding their implications on decision-making, and fostering global partnerships. Chief Minister Revanth Reddy’s participation underscores Telangana’s commitment to leveraging global forums for economic advancement and collaboration.