Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy embarked on a crucial visit to New Delhi on Thursday, where he is scheduled to meet several Union Ministers and the AICC leadership. Accompanied by senior officials, the Chief Minister’s agenda includes discussions with Union Water Resources Minister Gajendra Shekawat, where he plans to submit a representation seeking national project status for the Palamuru Rangareddy Lift Irrigation scheme.
Later in the day, Irrigation Minister N Uttam Kumar Reddy is expected to join the Chief Minister for further discussions. The focus of their meeting with Union Minister Shekawat underscores the significance of the Palamuru Rangareddy Lift Irrigation scheme in the state’s developmental agenda.
In addition to this crucial representation, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy is slated to meet other Union Ministers and engage with the AICC leadership. The timing of the meeting with AICC gains particular importance as the Telangana Congress has announced its intent to fill nominated posts before the upcoming Sankranti festival. Additionally, the merger of YSRTP founder YS Sharmila’s party with the Congress adds an extra layer of significance to the political discussions.
Unconfirmed reports also suggest the presence of Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shiva Kumar in the meeting with the AICC leadership, further hinting at the potential breadth and depth of the discussions to take place.
The outcome of these deliberations could shape the trajectory of key projects in Telangana and impact the political landscape as the state eagerly awaits developments before the festive season.