Telangana Chief Minister and Congress leader A. Revanth Reddy set a big goal for the upcoming elections. He asked party leaders to try and win at least 12 out of 17 Lok Sabha seats in the state. In a meeting with ministers and MLAs from five districts, including Adilabad, Nizamabad, Medak, Mahabubnagar, and Hyderabad, Revanth Reddy stressed the importance of working hard to get more votes than the party received in the previous Assembly elections.
He shared his plans to start visiting districts after January 26, with the first public meeting scheduled at Indravelli in Adilabad district. This place holds significance for Revanth Reddy, as it was where he addressed his first public meeting after becoming the state chief.
During the meeting, Revanth Reddy asked Congress leaders in Adilabad to arrange for the laying of the foundation stone for a memorial park at the martyrs’ memorial in Indravelli. He promised support to the families of martyrs, ensuring they received all the assistance they needed.
The Chief Minister assigned the task of developing Assembly constituencies to ministers in charge of undivided districts. He emphasized their role in welfare and development activities.
To make himself more accessible to MLAs, Revanth Reddy assured that, starting January 26, he would be available for meetings at the State Secretariat between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. three days a week. This marks a change from his predecessor, emphasizing a more open and available approach.
Setting the goal of winning 12 Lok Sabha seats shows the party’s determination to strengthen its position in Telangana. Revanth Reddy aims to play an active and impactful role in the upcoming elections, emphasizing the importance of hard work and strong support from party leaders.