In a tragic incident in Hyderabad, a father and his seven-year-old son lost their lives in a motorcycle accident on Gowrelly Road at Papannaguda Chowrasta in Nagole. The unfortunate event unfolded on Friday when K. Kumar (35), a resident of Quthbullapur, was riding with his son, K. Sudheer (7), towards Gowrelly.
According to the police, near Papannaguda Chowrasta, a rashly driven truck collided with their motorcycle, ejecting both victims from the vehicle. Tragically, they succumbed to their injuries on the spot. Police are actively working to identify and apprehend the truck driver responsible for the accident.
The collision also resulted in a fire that partially damaged the truck driver’s cabin. The driver, however, fled the scene immediately after the incident, abandoning the vehicle. The Nagole police have initiated an investigation into the matter.
The accident site witnessed mild tension as family members and relatives of the victims staged a protest, demanding stringent action against the driver. The authorities are working to address the concerns and bring justice to the grieving family.