In Kothagudem, police made a significant seizure on Thursday, confiscating ganja valued at Rs 1.62 crore and apprehending two smugglers. DSP Sk Abdul Rahman, addressing the media, revealed that the discovery occurred during routine vehicle inspections at Regalla crossroads, located on the outskirts of the town. A specially constructed chamber within a truck revealed 650 kg of ganja.
The arrested individuals are Sundar Ram, the owner and driver of the truck, and Suresh, the lorry cleaner, both hailing from Alai village in Nagaur tehsil of Nagaur district, Rajasthan. The duo reportedly procured the ganja from Chittoor forests in Andhra Pradesh under the directions of the prime accused, Om Prakash, from Bikaner district in Rajasthan.
As the police intensify their efforts, Om Prakash and two unidentified individuals from Chittoor remain at large. The seized items include the lorry and three mobile phones, as stated by the DSP. Investigations are ongoing to apprehend the absconding individuals and delve further into the network involved in this illicit activity.