Telangana’s Chief Minister, A. Revanth Reddy, recently embarked on a significant political mission. He made his way to New Delhi to meet with Sonia Gandhi, the Chairperson of the Congress Parliamentary Party. Reddy had a crucial agenda on his plate: urging Gandhi to contest the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections from their state.
Reddy, who also holds the position of the state party chief, was armed with a unanimous resolution passed by the Telangana unit of the Congress party. This resolution fervently advocated for Gandhi’s candidacy, reflecting the deep reverence and respect that the people of Telangana hold for her. In the eyes of many, Gandhi is not just a political figure; she is revered as a motherly figure for her instrumental role in the formation of Telangana.
During their meeting, Reddy passionately conveyed the sentiments of the people of Telangana to Gandhi. He underscored the widespread admiration and respect that she commands in the state, emphasizing the fervent desire among Telangana residents to see her represent them in the Lok Sabha.
In response to Reddy’s impassioned plea, Gandhi expressed her gratitude for the overwhelming support and affection from the people of Telangana. However, she maintained that she would carefully deliberate on the matter and make a decision at an appropriate time.
Apart from discussing Gandhi’s potential candidacy, Reddy also seized the opportunity to brief her on the progress of various initiatives undertaken by the Telangana government. He highlighted the implementation of key promises, such as the provision of free bus travel for women and the expansion of healthcare coverage under the Rajiv Arogyasri scheme.
Additionally, Reddy apprised Gandhi of the government’s plans to roll out initiatives aimed at providing affordable LPG cylinders and free monthly electricity to households. He also informed her about the upcoming census for BC castes, demonstrating the government’s commitment to inclusive governance.
Reddy assured Gandhi of the Telangana Congress party’s unwavering commitment to securing the maximum number of Lok Sabha seats in the upcoming elections. He outlined the meticulous preparations underway, including the thorough scrutiny of candidate applications from all constituencies.
Before his meeting with Gandhi, Reddy had the opportunity to engage with Rahul Gandhi during the latter’s Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra in Ranchi. During this interaction, Reddy briefed Rahul Gandhi on the progress of the initiatives and sought his support in persuading Sonia Gandhi to contest from Telangana. He also provided an update on the party’s election strategies and preparations for the upcoming polls.