Telangana’s IT minister, D Sridhar Babu, vehemently accuses the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) of spreading misinformation about the Congress Manifesto. In a press conference at Gandhi Bhavan on Thursday, January 4, he criticizes the BRS for unveiling a ‘420 booklet,’ denouncing it as evidence of the party’s integrity deficit.
Sridhar Babu responds to a recent booklet by BRS leader KT Rama Rao, titled ‘420 promises,’ alleging Congress dishonesty and highlighting the ‘impossibility of implementation’ of its commitments.
During his speech, Sridhar Babu urges BRS leaders to openly oppose the Congress government’s initiative of providing free bus services for women, implemented within 48 hours of taking office. He underscores that Congress’s financial discipline and decision-making prioritize the genuine needs of the people.
The IT minister advises BRS leaders to wait a year before critiquing Congress’s governance, questioning BRS’ past promises and predicting defeat in the upcoming elections. He confidently asserts, “BRS party lacks candidates for parliamentary elections.”
Sridhar Babu concludes, expressing confidence that people will judge the ‘420’ label, believing with public support, Congress will fulfill all promises within the first 100 days. His robust rebuttal aims to counter BRS allegations, emphasizing Congress’s commitment to transparent and effective governance.