New Year celebrations in Karimnagar took a controversial turn as Congress MLA Kavvampalli Satyanarayana stirred outrage with his behavior during the festivities in the Manakondur constituency. The grand celebrations witnessed the active participation of youth and public representatives, with special programs organized to mark the occasion.
However, the festive atmosphere turned sour when MLA Satyanarayana allegedly misbehaved with women activists during the cake-cutting ceremony. In a viral video, the MLA can be seen smearing cake on the face of a woman activist, causing her to fall. State Minister Ponnam Prabhakar was reportedly pushed aside during the incident.
Viral Video :
Telangana, Manakondur Congress MLA Kavvampally Satyanarayana’s deplorable behaviour with a woman at an event. The woman clearly feels uneasy.
— Actual India (@ActualIndia) January 2, 2024
The video has sparked fury among netizens and locals, condemning the MLA’s actions as disrespectful. Many expressed their disappointment with the MLA’s behavior, attributing it to a lack of decorum and respect for the occasion. Some have even suggested that the incident reflects negatively on the MLA’s standing as a public figure.
The controversy has taken a more serious turn as some attribute the MLA’s actions to issues related to religion and authority. As the video circulates on the internet, discussions about the incident are gaining momentum, prompting calls for accountability and an apology from MLA Kavvampalli Satyanarayana.
The incident raises questions about the conduct of public representatives during public events and the need for them to uphold decorum and respect, especially during celebratory occasions. Authorities may be prompted to investigate the matter further, considering the public outcry and the potential impact on the MLA’s reputation.