Komuravelli Mallanna temple officials are gearing up for the grand celebration of the Swamy Kalyana Mahotsavam scheduled on January 7th in Cheryala. Devotees from across states are expected to attend this auspicious event, with temple authorities actively distributing Swami Kalyana invitation cards to ministers, MPs, MLAs, donors, officials, and devotees.
The two-day wedding ceremony of Swami Mallikarjuna includes various rituals and festivities. On the 7th of January, the day begins with Drishtikumbham (sacrifice) to Swami at 5 am, followed by the Swamikalyanam at 10:45 am. The day’s events also feature Ekadasa Rudrabhishekam and the Rathotsavam (cart procession) at 7 pm.
Continuing the celebrations on the 8th of January, Ekadasa Rudrabhishekam, Lakshabilvarchana, Mahamangalaharati, Mantrapushpam, and Tirtha Prasada distribution are scheduled for Komuravelli Mallanna Swami at 9 am.
The celestial wedding involves Swami Mallikarjuna and brides Medaladevi and Ketamma Devi. The auspicious moment, known as Sumuhurt, is set during Margasira Masam Ekadashi on January 7th, 2024, in the Svastishri Sobhakrit year at 10:45 am.
The event will be graced by the Padigannagari Vamsastulu as the doers, with Vedic supervision by 1008 Veerashaiva headship under Manikantha Sivacharya. The priests include Nadipudi Math Bhavanaiah Swami, Bhuvaneswara Swamy, Anandaiah, Gnaneshwar Shastri, Chandrasekhar Swamy, and Bhadraya Swami. Commentators Dr. Mahantaiah and Nandula Math Sasibhushana Siddhanti Swamiji will also be part of the ceremony.
Devotees of Komuravelli Mallanna Swami are invited as chief guests, and the event will see the participation of Temple Executives, Veerashaiva Archaka, a group of priests, and temple staff. The festivities promise to be a spiritual and joyous occasion, with the blessings of Swami Mallikarjuna showering upon all attendees.