In a gripping Pro Kabaddi League encounter in Noida, the Bengaluru Bulls emerged victorious with a narrow 38-37 win against the Tamil Thalaivas on a Sunday showdown. The team’s Head Coach, Randhir Singh, shared insights into the game, expressing both satisfaction and concern over certain aspects of their performance.
Coach Randhir Singh acknowledged the team’s overall strong defensive play, highlighting that the raiders faced challenges, particularly falling victim to some well-executed Super Tackles by the opposition. He noted, “We should have won this game easily, but a few Super Tackles against our raiders hurt us. Our defenders played well, but the raiders couldn’t execute their plans at times.”
Singh went on to credit raider Sachin Narwal for being a game-changer in the crucial moments. He revealed a strategic risk, stating, “Sachin Narwal won the game for us. I took a risk and asked him to go for bonus points. He attained three bonus points for the team.” This decision proved pivotal in securing the narrow victory for the Bengaluru Bulls.
The coach addressed a key tactical move in the game, explaining why Ran Singh was chosen over Aman in the first half. Singh revealed his foresight, saying, “I knew that the Thalaivas had prepared to take on Aman in the defence unit, and therefore I brought Ran Singh into the game. Every raider would’ve tried to catch Aman, so I put Ran Singh on the mat to disrupt their plans.” This strategic substitution showcased Singh’s tactical acumen and ability to adapt to the opponent’s game plan.
Reflecting on Bengaluru Bulls performance in the ongoing season, Randhir Singh acknowledged the team’s roller-coaster journey. The Bulls currently occupy the seventh spot with 25 points in 10 games. When questioned about potential changes in their playing style for the upcoming matches, Singh remained steadfast in the team’s identity, stating, “The Bengaluru Bulls are known for fighting till the very end. We will definitely keep giving our best to win games. We have lost six games in the competition so far, but we don’t want to change our playing style at all.”
This commitment to their unique playing style suggests the Bengaluru Bulls’ resilience and determination to overcome challenges in the remainder of the season. As they continue their journey in the Pro Kabaddi League, the team, under the guidance of Coach Randhir Singh, aims to leverage their strengths, address weaknesses, and deliver performances that reflect the fighting spirit they are renowned for.
In essence, the Bengaluru Bulls’ triumph over the Tamil Thalaivas not only showcased their ability to secure a narrow victory in Pro Kabaddi but also highlighted the strategic brilliance and adaptability of Coach Randhir Singh, whose decisions played a crucial role in the team’s success on that eventful Sunday in Noida.