In a riveting clash at the DOME by NSCI in Mumbai, the Pro Kabaddi League witnessed an intense battle between Patna Pirates and Dabang Delhi KC. The match unfolded with a rollercoaster of emotions, showcasing exceptional performances from raiders and defenders alike. Despite a sensational second-half comeback by Patna Pirates, they ultimately fell short by a solitary point, succumbing to a 37-38 defeat against a determined Dabang Delhi KC squad on a Friday evening.
The standout performers of the game were Ashu Malik from Dabang Delhi KC, who secured an impressive 10 raid points, and Patna Pirates’ raiders Sachin, who also notched up 10 points, and Sudhakar M with an admirable contribution of 9 points.
The first half of the match witnessed a scintillating display of dominance by Dabang Delhi KC, as they executed two crucial All-Outs on the Patna Pirates. Within the initial 10 minutes, they seized a five-point lead, followed by another All-Out just six minutes later, granting them a substantial 10-point advantage. Raiders Ashu Malik, Meetu Sharma, and Manjeet orchestrated an outstanding performance, accumulating a remarkable 13 points from 20 raids. Ashu Malik, in particular, remained untackled throughout the first half, even achieving a Super Raid with a minute left on the clock. The confident Dabang Delhi KC defense subdued Sachin, a consistent rescuer for the Pirates in previous matches, allowing them to enter the halftime break with a commanding 13-point lead.
However, the second half of the match witnessed a remarkable turnaround as Patna Pirates’ defense clicked into place, orchestrating an All-Out to narrow the deficit to six points. Sachin, the Best Raider for Patna Pirates in this game, showcased his prowess by executing a Super Raid, eliminating Ashish, Vikrant, and Mohit to bring his team back into contention.
The Pirates’ resurgence continued, propelled by the brilliant raiding duo of Sachin and Sudhakar M. Their combined efforts closed the gap to just three points late in the game, setting the stage for a thrilling finale. Despite the Pirates’ valiant efforts, Dabang Delhi KC exhibited composure and strategic play, efficiently running down the clock to secure the narrow victory.
The top performers for Patna Pirates in Pro Kabaddi included Sachin, earning the title of Best Raider with 10 raid points, and Krishan, the Best Defender contributing 3 tackle points. On the other hand, Dabang Delhi KC’s stellar performers were Ashu Malik, the Best Raider with 10 raid points, and Yogesh, who earned the title of Best Defender with 5 tackle points.
This electrifying encounter not only showcased the tenacity and skill of both teams but also highlighted the unpredictable nature of kabaddi, where momentum can shift rapidly. As the Pro Kabaddi League Season unfolds, this match will be remembered as a testament to the sport’s thrilling and unpredictable nature, leaving fans eagerly anticipating the next chapter in the competition.