OnePlus is gearing up to unveil its new flagship smartphone series in India, with the OnePlus 12 and OnePlus 12R set to launch on January 23. Ahead of the official release, the company has offered a sneak peek into the OnePlus 12R’s features. The smartphone will boast a fourth-generation LTPO 120Hz ProXDR display, offering dynamic refresh rate adjustments for optimal performance and minimal battery consumption. Additionally, a substantial 5,500 mAh battery, a first for OnePlus, and SuperVOOC fast charging will be included. The launch event, dubbed “OnePlus Smooth Beyond Belief,” is scheduled for 19:30 IST on January 23, with early bird tickets available for purchase at Rs 599 on
OnePlus has divulged essential details about the upcoming OnePlus 12R smartphone. The device will feature a cutting-edge fourth-generation LTPO 120Hz ProXDR display, showcasing dynamic refresh rate adjustments for seamless transitions across various rates, including novel options like 90Hz and 72Hz. This innovation aims to optimize performance while conserving battery power effectively. Notably, the OnePlus 12R will house an impressive 5,500 mAh battery, marking a significant leap for OnePlus in battery capacity. Additionally, the smartphone will introduce SuperVOOC fast charging capabilities.
The launch event for the OnePlus 12 and OnePlus 12R, titled OnePlus Smooth Beyond Belief, is set for January 23, 2024, at 19:30 IST. Early bird tickets for the event can be purchased at Rs 599 on The company has also provided a glimpse into core technologies of the OnePlus 12R, emphasizing its large battery and advanced display features. The device will debut with the biggest battery ever seen on a OnePlus phone, providing users with an extended power-packed experience. The display technology will allow the OnePlus 12R to dynamically adjust refresh rates, optimizing performance and enhancing energy efficiency.
Moreover, OnePlus shared key details about the OnePlus 12R’s technological prowess. The smartphone will boast a fourth-generation LTPO 120Hz ProXDR display, distinguishing it as the sole device equipped with this technology. This display allows for swift and energy-efficient transitions between a broad range of refresh rates, providing users with an enhanced visual experience. The OnePlus 12R launch event will offer enthusiasts a closer look at these innovations and showcase the brand’s commitment to pushing technological boundaries.
As part of its strategy, OnePlus has teased the core technologies of the upcoming OnePlus 12R ahead of the global unveiling. The smartphone will feature a groundbreaking fourth-generation LTPO 120Hz ProXDR display, offering exceptional flexibility in adjusting refresh rates. Unlike traditional displays, the LTPO 4.0 technology enables seamless transitions, introducing options like 90Hz and 72Hz. Additionally, the OnePlus 12R will incorporate a substantial 5,500 mAh battery, a significant departure from OnePlus’ previous models, and support SuperVOOC fast charging.
Furthermore, OnePlus has confirmed that the OnePlus 12R, also known as the OnePlus Ace 3 in certain regions, will be powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor. The device’s design, unveiled recently, aligns with the aesthetics of the OnePlus 12, featuring a choice of blue and gray colors. The Ace 3, releasing in China on January 4, will introduce a bronze color variant. With potential configurations offering up to 16GB of RAM and 1TB storage, the OnePlus 12R aims to build upon the success of its predecessor, the OnePlus 11R, offering enhanced features and performance.
In summary, OnePlus is set to redefine its smartphone offerings with the OnePlus 12R, showcasing advanced display technology, an impressive battery, and powerful hardware. The launch event on January 23 promises to unveil these innovations and provide a glimpse into OnePlus’ commitment to delivering cutting-edge devices.