Ashwin Babu last appeared in the suspenseful thriller Hidimbha, directed by Anil Kanneganti, where he stunned everyone with an outstanding performance. Ashwin Babu has returned with Shivam Bhaje, a thrilling new film.
The initial glimpse, released by the Shivam Bhaje team, is remarkable and features some amazing visuals. The background music by Vikas Badisa is promising, and the production quality is top-notch, even with a tight budget. The release date isn’t out yet.
Apsar is directing the movie. Digangana Suryavanshi plays the female lead, with Hyper Aadi, Sai Dheena, Tulasi, and others in key roles. Shivam Bhaje is all set to entertain audiences with a mix of emotions. Mahesh Reddy Mooli is producing the film under Ganga Entertainments.