Pawan Kalyan, the leader of the Jana Sena Party, recently wrote a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, urging a CBI probe into alleged irregularities in Andhra Pradesh’s Housing Department. In response, Housing Minister Jogi Ramesh challenged Kalyan to a debate on the matters raised in the letter.
Ramesh dismissed the allegations made by Pawan Kalyan, stating, “The allegations leveled by Pawan Kalyan are baseless.” He addressed the media on Sunday, questioning Kalyan’s past actions, particularly his silence on former Chief Minister and TDP chief N Chandrababu Naidu’s unfulfilled promise of providing three cents of land to the poor.
The Housing Minister asserted that the construction of houses for the poor in the state is being carried out transparently. According to Ramesh, over 17,000 Jagananna colonies and 21 lakh houses are in progress, benefiting about 30.65 lakh poor women who have received house sites. All transactions are conducted online to eliminate any possibility of corruption. Ramesh emphasized, “We are not giving money for the construction of houses. We are making online payments for everything.”
Ramesh criticized Pawan Kalyan for not addressing other critical issues affecting the state, such as Polavaram. He suggested that if Kalyan truly cares about development, he should have written to the Prime Minister seeking additional funds for housing construction.
Highlighting the historical connection between Jana Sena Party and the TDP-BJP alliance in the 2014 elections, Ramesh pointed out that despite Naidu’s failure to fulfill promises, Kalyan did not criticize him. The Housing Minister also took a dig at Naidu’s promises, particularly ridiculing his commitment to establishing an airport and an international market for agriculture and horticulture produce in Kuppam, considering his track record as Chief Minister.
In conclusion, the ongoing exchange between Pawan Kalyan and Housing Minister Jogi Ramesh highlights the political tensions surrounding allegations of irregularities in the state’s Housing Department. The challenge to engage in a public debate adds a new dimension to the unfolding controversy.