In a strategic move gearing towards the upcoming elections, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, is all set to embark on a significant bus tour starting tomorrow from Idupulapaya. The journey, flagged off from Tadepalli at 10:56 am, will see CM Jagan paying homage at the revered YSR Ghat before commencing the ‘Memanta Saira’ bus tour.
The bus tour, spanning a duration of 21 days, will traverse through various destinations until reaching its culmination point in Ichhapuram. Notably, the tour will exclude the four parliamentary constituencies where preliminary meetings have already been conducted, focusing instead on engaging with communities across 21 key locations.
This campaign initiative marks a pivotal moment in the run-up to the elections, serving as a platform for CM Jagan to connect with the electorate and garner support for his vision and policies. With a strategic itinerary and a commitment to grassroots outreach, the ‘Memanta Saira’ bus tour is poised to resonate with voters and shape the political landscape in Andhra Pradesh.
As CM Jagan embarks on this journey, all eyes will be on the impact and momentum generated by his campaign efforts. Stay tuned for updates as the bus tour unfolds, promising to be a compelling narrative in the state’s political saga.