After a prolonged absence of four years, YCP MP Raghu Rama Krishna Raju made a triumphant return to his hometown, Bhimavaram. The homecoming commenced as he landed at Rajahmundry Airport earlier in the day and subsequently reached Bhimavaram, where an enthusiastic crowd of fans and followers eagerly awaited his arrival.
A colossal garland was meticulously arranged to greet Raghu Rama Krishna Raju, symbolizing the magnitude of the occasion. As he traversed from Rajahmundry airport to Bhimavaram, a substantial rally organized by his supporters accompanied him, further amplifying the celebratory atmosphere.
Expressing his joy at being back in Bhimavaram after such a prolonged absence, Raghu Rama Krishna Raju alluded to discerning who his allies and adversaries were during his journey, hinting at differences with Jagan and the YCP. Grateful for the support during his arrest by the CID, RRR extended his thanks to Chandra Babu, Lokesh, and Pawan Kalyan. He recounted the challenging moments, including being unable to attend his grandmother’s final rites due to the fear of the 11 cases filed against him by the AP police.