Lal Salaam, starring Superstar Rajinikanth in a pivotal role, was initially slated for release during the Sankranti season but faced an unexpected postponement. The latest update from the team reveals that the much-anticipated film is now set for a grand worldwide release on February 9th. Interestingly, February is not typically considered a prime month for film releases.
Lead roles in the movie are portrayed by Vishnu Vishal and Vikranth, under the direction of Aishwarya Rajinikanth, daughter of Rajinikanth. Noteworthy performances are also expected from Jeevitha Rajasekhar and Nirosha, with Subaskaran of Lyca Productions producing the project. AR Rahman is in charge of the musical composition. Lal Salaam is set to go head-to-head with Ravi Teja’s ‘Eagle’ at the Tollywood box office, adding to the anticipation surrounding this cinematic clash.