The four YSRCP Rebel MLAs, summoned by Andhra Pradesh assembly speaker Tammineni Seetharam, dodged the meeting meant for explaining their shift to the Telugu Desam Party. These MLAs, including Anam Ramnarayana Reddy, Mekapati Chandrasekhar Reddy, Kotamreddy Sridhar Reddy, and Undavalli Sridevi, were scheduled to appear at 11 am but requested a two-week extension.
Simultaneously, the Speaker summoned four rebel Telugu Desam Party MLAs to explain their move to join the YSRCP. However, the YSRCP rebels, fearing disqualification, aim to compel Seetharam into a difficult decision. If disqualified, they anticipate the Speaker may overlook the rebel TDP MLAs’ explanations, allowing them to vote in the Rajya Sabha elections.
To avoid such a scenario, the rebels are pressuring Seetharam to take action against both the YSRCP and TDP rebels. Failure to do so risks legal challenges, potentially granting the rebels a stay-on disqualification.