Bollywood Baadshah Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter is making sure she makes her father proud! The actress who recently made her debut with Netflix’s The Archies, has purchased a farm land in Thal village in Alibaug. The actress has bought the land in Thal, near Mumbai, in Maharashtra for whopping amount of Rs 9.5 crore, according to sources.
Suhana Khan paid a stamp duty of ₹57 lakh for the transaction. The parcel of land, located in Thal village in Raigad, Alibaug, spans an impressive area of 78361 square feet. The transaction, completed on February 13, 2024, marks another significant investment by the young debutante. This isn’t the first time Suhana Khan has invested in real estate in Alibaug. Last year, in June, she made headlines for her investment in an agricultural land spanning 1.5 acres, complete with three structures, for a whopping ₹12.91 crore. These investments underscore her interest in acquiring property in the serene surroundings of Alibaug.
Shah Rukh Khan also owns a property in Thal. It’s a sea-facing property which has its own swimming pool and a helipad. Shah Rukh Khan and the entire film industry are seen partying at that house quite often. Suhana Khan’s land is probably nearby to SRK’s property there. Alibaug is definitely a hot spot for celebrities to buy bungalows. Many own properties there. As per reports properties in Alibaug range between ₹8 crore and ₹70 crore depending on the sizes as they vary from one acre to 10 acres.