After enduring a decades-long journey with the Telugu Desam Party (TDP), Kesineni Nani, the veteran leader and Vijayawada MP, finds himself ousted from the party. The surprising move came as Chandra Babu Naidu conveyed to Nani that he is no longer in the party’s plans for the upcoming elections and won’t be given the coveted Vijayawada MP ticket.
This abrupt shift marks a significant turning point in Nani’s political career, which had been intertwined with the TDP for many years. Despite the unexpected development, Nani remains steadfast in his loyalty to the party. Speaking with the media after being informed about the decision, he emphasized his commitment to Chandra Babu Naidu. “I never backstabbed Chandra Babu Naidu. If I were someone looking for troubles and fights, there would have been many quarrels during Nara Lokesh’s Yuvagalam, but I didn’t let that happen. Anyway, Chandra Babu left me, but I haven’t left Chandra Babu. I will obey his orders,” Nani declared.
However, in a surprising twist, Nani hinted at the possibility of contesting from the Vijayawada MP segment as an independent candidate. This move could set the stage for a political face-off with his own brother, Kesineni Chinni, who is likely to secure the TDP MP ticket for Vijayawada.
The strained relationship between Kesineni Nani and the TDP had been evident over the last 18 months to two years. The long-standing association between Nani and the TDP seems to have reached an impasse, with Chandra Babu Naidu opting to move forward with other leaders in Vijayawada.
Nani, however, remains defiant and plans to announce his next political decision in February. The political landscape is now rife with speculations about the potential trajectory of Nani’s future. There is even speculation that the Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party (YSRCP) might be eyeing Nani, given his deep pockets and considerable political expertise.
As Kesineni Nani contemplates his next move, the political dynamics in Vijayawada undergo an intriguing transformation, leaving room for further developments and unexpected alliances.