Guntur Kaaram Trailer update: Mahesh Babu’s film, “Guntur Kaaram,” possesses the potential to break numerous box-office records, despite being a regional production. This marks the third collaboration between Mahesh Babu and Trivikram, following the success of the cult classics “Athadu” and “Khaleja,” with Sreeleela as the leading lady.
In a recent Twitter interaction with fans, Naga Vamsi shared that the film’s trailer is set to release on January 6. Additionally, he mentioned that Thaman has completed the re-recording for the first half, delivering a fantastic output. Naga Vamsi assured fans that theatre listings would commence on January 7, urging them not to be overly concerned about the release.
Joining Mahesh in this family drama, alongside Sreeleela, is Meenakshi Chaudhary. S Radha Krishna (Chinababu), under the banner of Haarika and Hassine Creations, has produced this high-profile film. The movie is scheduled for release on January 12.