In a recent interview, Animal director Sandeep Reddy Vanga shared details about his first meeting with Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan. Following the success of Animal, which starred Ranbir Kapoor, Anil Kapoor, Rashmika Mandanna, and others, Sandeep has become a prominent figure in the film industry.
Despite facing some criticism, Animal has created a buzz and gained its own fan base. Sandeep has been vocal about his desire to collaborate with Shah Rukh Khan, and in this interview, he revealed insights into their initial encounter.
Sandeep had mentioned meeting Shah Rukh Khan and expressing his fandom, stating, “I am a big fan.” When asked about the type of film he envisions making with SRK, Sandeep replied, “I don’t know what kind of film I would make, but I definitely wish to make a film with Shah Rukh Khan.”
In a surprising revelation during the same interview, Sandeep expressed his desire to direct a comedy film in the future. Despite his background in intense films like Kabir Singh and Animal, he shared, I have a comedy script, but I don’t know when I will do it. There is a thought it’s not a family comedy, but again, I can’t tell you the exact subject.
With these revelations, Sandeep Reddy Vanga continues to capture the attention of the audience, not only for his past successes but also for his aspirations and interactions with Bollywood icons like Shah Rukh Khan.