Sankranti, the celestial occurrence marking the sun’s transition between zodiac signs, holds diverse significance across India. There are 12 Sankrantis annually, each initiating a month in sidereal solar calendars. In states like Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Odisha, Punjab, and Gujarat, it signals the month’s commencement, while in Bengali and Assamese calendars, it marks the month’s end.
Importants of Sankranti :
- Makar Sankranti:
- Commemorates the Sun’s shift into Makara rashi, marking the onset of the six-month Uttarayana period.
- Celebrated on January 14 or occasionally, January 15.
- Holds agricultural significance, symbolizing the end of winter and the beginning of longer days.
- Mesha Sankranti:
- Marks the Hindu New Year as the Sun enters sidereal Aries (Mesha rashi).
- Falls on April 14/15.
- Regional celebrations include Vaisakhi, Pana Sankranti, and Pohela Boishakh.
- Dhanu Sankranti:
- Initiates the ninth month in the Hindu solar calendar as the Sun enters Dhanu Rashi.
- Celebrated with rituals and bathing in holy rivers.
- Significance in Orissa with special prayers at the Puri Jagannath Temple.
- Karka Sankranti:
- On July 16, marks the Sun’s entry into Karka rashi, concluding the six-month Uttarayana.
- Marks the beginning of Dakshinayana.
- Associated with worship of Lord Vishnu and fasting.
Regional New Year Celebrations:
- Bikhoti Festival (Uttrakhand): Involves holy river dips and symbolic stone beating.
- Vishu (Kerala): Celebrated with lights, firecrackers, new clothes, and traditional feasts.
- Bohag Bihu (Assam): Marks the Assamese New Year with three distinct Bihu festivals.
- Vaisakhi (Punjab): A harvest festival with fairs and traditional dances.
Conclusion: Sankranti, beyond its astronomical significance, intertwines with diverse cultural and regional festivities. Whether heralding a new agricultural season, marking the solar or lunar new year, or symbolizing divine transitions, Sankranti reflects the rich tapestry of India’s cultural and religious diversity.