Allari Naresh’s latest comedy film “Aa Okkati Adakku” opened with mixed reviews last weekend. While its weekend collections were decent, the film’s performance has dipped slightly since then.
During the weekdays, the movie saw a bigger drop in earnings than initially expected. The movie collected around ₹20 lakh on the fourth day, followed by a further 30% drop on the fifth day, bringing in ₹14 lakh.
Looking at the current figures, “Aa Okkati Adakku” has earned a total of ₹2.38 crore worldwide so far (gross collection estimated at ₹5.30 crore). To be considered a commercial success, the film needs to reach a break-even point of ₹4.50 crore. This means it still needs to collect an additional ₹2.12 crore.
It remains to be seen how “Aa Okkati Adakku” will perform in the coming days. The film’s ultimate box office fate hinges on its ability to maintain or improve its current collection trend.