Recently, Rajinikanth shared an emotional video tribute to his late friend, Vijayakanth, who is still deeply in the hearts of many. The emotional tribute came as an appreciation of Vijayakanth’s posthumous honor with the Padma Bhushan Award by the government of India.
Vijayakanth was a Tamil senior actor and the founder-leader of the Desiya Murpokku Dravida Kazhagam. He passed away last December, but he has left behind a rich legacy both in the world of cinema and in politics. Rajinikanth stated in the video, “The Padma 2024 books will have his history, and it’s a celebratory occasion. It’s also a top honor for him.”
The Padma Awards announced on Republic Day this year posthumously honored Vijayakanth in a list of 132 awardees for his great contributions to Indian society. On May 9th, his wife and son received the Padma Bhushan Award on his behalf.
Rajinikanth’s tribute is just among many others from the film industry, recognizing the high and lasting contributions Vijayakanth brought forth. Meanwhile, Rajinikanth’s movie “Vettaiyan” by T. J. Gnanavel is highly awaited, just like his movie “Coolie” with Shruti Haasan, directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. As the world celebrates the great accomplishments of Vijayakanth, Rajinikanth’s tribute stands as a touching reminder of their lasting friendship and shared love for cinema.