Heartbreaking news has surfaced from the security team of cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar, with the unfortunate demise of one of his personal security guard. Prakash Kapde, aged 39 and a member of the State Reserve Police Force, was entrusted with VVIP security duties for Sachin. Recently, he had taken a hiatus from his responsibilities and returned to his hometown, where he remained.
In a tragic twist of fate, Prakash was discovered with a gunshot wound to his neck from his service weapon on Wednesday morning. Despite frantic efforts by his family to rush him to the nearest hospital, he tragically succumbed to his injuries. Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident, categorizing it as a case of suspicious death.
While the investigation is ongoing, initial insights suggest that personal reasons may have compelled Prakash to take such a drastic step. The police are actively interviewing his parents, wife, children, close relatives, and friends to piece together the circumstances surrounding his decision. Moreover, the State Reserve Police Force is conducting its own inquiry into this profound loss within their VVIP security team.