The new science fiction series “Dune: Prophecy” has released its trailer, and fans are thrilled! The show takes place thousands of years before the events of the popular “Dune” movies. It explores the beginnings of the Bene Gesserit, a mysterious and powerful group of women who play a pivotal role in the “Dune” universe.
Indian fans in particular have another reason to be excited – actress Tabu is confirmed to be part of the cast! She is expected to portray a character named Sister Francesca. However, the trailer itself doesn’t offer any clear glimpses of Tabu or her character. There are a few distant shots, but it’s impossible to say for sure if she appears. This has caused some disappointment among fans.
Some speculate that Tabu might have a very important role, and that’s why her appearance is being kept under wraps. Others believe it might be a smaller part. Regardless, the mystery surrounding Tabu’s involvement is only adding to the excitement for “Dune: Prophecy.” It’s important to note that this series is separate from director Denis Villeneuve’s upcoming movie “Dune: Part Two.”